Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Toddler And Bloated Belly

Day trading on November 19

For the second consecutive year, INIST-CNRS organizes a day of discussions around information portals CNRS.
This day will be held
next Thursday, November 19 from INIST (Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy).

A workshop session will be devoted specifically to BiblioCNRS.

You are warmly invited (e) participate and meet us.
To view the program and / or subscribe to this day, click HERE

Thank you to send your registration form by mel
at: bibliocnrs (at) inist.fr
or fax: 03 83 50 47 48
before the Tuesday, November 10


Thursday, October 1, 2009

How To Get The Last Drops Of Pee

Presentation Sessions

Remember holding future sessions of presentation remote BiblioCNRS:

- Friday, October 9 from 10am to 11am

To participate in this show, thank you to register by clicking this link:
https: / / inist.webex.com / inist / j.php? ED = 128700137 & RG = 1 & UID = 0

-Thursday, October 15 from 10am to 11am
To participate in this show, thank you to register by clicking this link :
https: / / inist.webex.com / inist / j.php? ED = 128700452 & RG = 1 & UID = 0

-Friday, November 6 from 10am to 11am
To participate in this show, thank you to register by clicking this link:
https: / / inist.webex.com / inist / j.php? ED = 128700517 & RG = 1 & UID = 0

-Friday, November 27 from 10am to 11am
To participate in this show, thank you to register by clicking this link:
https: / / inist.webex.com / inist / j.php? ED = 128700837 & RG = 1 & UID = 0

sessions remote presentation is limited in number, we thank you for attending the session at which you registered (e) or inform us of your withdrawal at: bibliocnrs (at) inist. en

you soon ...