Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sharp Elbow Pain When Doing Push Ups

BiblioCNRS Presentation Remote

The next presentation of Discovery BiblioCNRS
will be held on Friday, March 12 to 10 hours.

To participate in this presentation and to register, click on this link or copy and paste it into your browser:
https: / / inist.webex.com / inist / j.php? ED = 138685012 & RG = 1 & UID = 0 & RT = MiMyMw% 3D% 3D

Once you have registered (e) to attend the meeting, you will receive an email confirming your registration.
This message will provide all relevant information required to join the meeting.

For further information, please contact bibliocnrs (at) inist.fr


Friday, February 19, 2010

What Causes Blisters On Butt

Survey BiblioCNRS

You are part of the 500 people listed BiblioCNRS .

You received a personal message that gives you access to an online survey.
If you have not yet responded, thank you to devote a few minutes to give us your first impressions .. .

If however, you were registered and did not receive this message, we thank you for contacting us at:
bibliocnrs (at) inist.fr

With thanks!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Whats The Name Of The Game Bubble Dinosaurs?


service training of INIST-CNRS organizing a workshop approach and explore the various tools used in the context of scientific evaluation.
This Training is free for all personal CNRS
Pr e-pr ogram :

• Introduction to scientific evaluation
• Bibliometric indicators
• The sources used to calculate indicators
• The ranking of higher education institutions
• The rules r è Standardization author addresses
Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Location: INIST-CNRS (Vandoeuvre-l s- è Nancy)
Contact and registration : brigitte.benichoux (at) inist.fr
soon ....

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Is My Jacket Too Short

Survey BiblioCNRS

You are part of the 500 people listed BiblioCNRS .

BiblioCNRS team invites you to review these after a few months of use.

You have received or will receive a personal message that will give you access to an online survey.

Thank you devote a few minutes to give us your first impressions of meeting this questionnaire.

If however, you were registered and did not receive this message, we thank you for contacting us at:
bibliocnrs (at) inist.fr