Sunday, September 26, 2010

How To Hide Pipes With Pedestal Sink

Aerialize Annual Show WA

A quick post to tell you about the Aerialize Annual Show!

For those who do not follow Aerialize company is the circus in which I learn the aerial circus like fabric, but still acrobalance and soon the trapeze.

the weekend of 24/25/26 September was our show season: When Pigs Fly
After about six weeks of rehearsal, hours of sewing and we were preparing finally ready!

For info I was a small group acrobalance for the show and our theme was: What's Under The Bed? - What's under the bed?

Response in pictures:

So What Was Under The Bed? - so what was there under the bed?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Texas Temporary Drivers License Paper Template

we love it! WA here we

promised it comes: After our weekend in Western Australia!

After our wonderful evening in the house of Green Head, on Sunday morning we prepared a wonderful brunch: fruit juice, cereal, eggs and bacon on the barbecue, toast, rice cakes, chocolate, chocolate ...

Then Cyril and I, small swimming - very cold indeed, but good water was so beautiful that we could not resist!
We then won the beautiful beaches of the west coast:

Jurien Bay

Then Kangaroo Point:

We had decided to quietly picnicking and then we started to be disappointed by dint ask for dolphins and Mel Tof - namely that our requests for our visits in WA had been seeing Dolphins - Charlotte says then I saw something in the distance.
Kind as we are we have not really taken seriously, when Leah was also being said that she too had seen something in the distance! Tof then had the bright idea to slap hands in the water to attract the "beast" and then surprise a few minutes later we all ran toward a dolphin approaching only a few meters from us! It was truly amazing

as incredible and the dolphins remained a good ten minutes to a few meters from us, we could even hear the exhale when rising to the surface: In
image Melanie it gives this:

After all these emotions we've struggled to sail but hey The Pinnacles Desert awaited us! Decor yet completely unrealistic with needles coming out of earth and limestone which may reach 2m. This leaves even somewhat puzzled scientists since they come to several theories to explain this phenomenon. Just look

And dare I say that we even had the right to some kangaroos out of the bushes and jumping from side to side in the middle of the desert? Heck yeah!
And because we had not had enough, when starting a Galah has posed for the delight of our photojournalist Mel emu AND a crossed right next to the 4x4!

Ha Western Australia we love it!

Sunday evening we were exhausted but the smile on your face! Moreover

Mel has spoiled us by making us taste its famous lemon wine it makes it pretty even with its lemon lemons!


Monday morning the alarm was hard, especially for Tof and Mel who went to work :-(
From our side the aircraft due to 16h, we had planned for a few hours in Fremantle enjoy one last day and then a goodbye to Christopher and Melanie who have so kindly welcomed during these 4 days!
For the little info in Fremantle we urge the Moore & Moore Coffee for brunch ;-)

Thank you guys for this amazing weekend! We expect you in NSW ;-)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Can You Jailbreak Sidekick 08

Hehe! 2weeks without news but we have a good reason:

We were Perth !

Indeed as a surprise to Christopher for his 30th birthday (remember Tof and Mel who moved to Perth last March?):
Charlotte Denis, Lea (a friend with them), and Cyril I have prepared in recent weeks a long weekend in Western Australia.

Result 17 to Friday morning we flew to Perth. After 5:30 frankly uncomfortable airplane (one gets used a bit too comfortable in our Singapore Airlines flights Sydney / Paris ...), we joined Mel Wagamama restaurant in Subiaco, after a short passage by Kings Park .

Tof arrived 15 minutes later expecting to eat with coworkers and Melanie got a surprise ... we were there!

excited about our plan, we have passed all five in the afternoon to visit Perth charming little town and quieter than Sydney, the atmosphere is nice and it's good to live!

So we walked the main areas of Perth and found:
downtown and city hall, the London Court, St Mary's Cathedral and its flamboyant, Government House and the courthouse, the Swan Bell Tower and the wharf.

the evening we joined Tof and Mel after work for drinks at the Belgian Beer Cafe Perth! Nice atmosphere, good beer and pleasant with small backyard.

Then after a short stint with Mel and Tof in their house (huge and pleasant j'adoore!) We went to eat at The Little Creatures Fremantle. Of course, not being a fan of beer I had never heard of, unlike boys! The place is known as The Little Creatures brews its own beer! We ended with a short tour in Fremantle night! We had heard a lot of Fremantle and its atmosphere, bars, cafes, restaurants ... Now we understand why: it's really a place to visit, day night.

Saturday morning we took the road for every 7 Green Head!
Mel had booked a small house just for us to spend the weekend with friends. Green Head is about 3:30 north of Perth and all that happy because of our troop we have the double time than expected! All

installed aboard the 4x4 Tof and Mel we began with a stop for an hour at Yanchep National Park. This park is a nature reserve where you can see koalas! Lea a French friend of Charlotte and Denis, on vacation in Australia, who accompanied us on this crazy journey Sydney / Perth to 4days wanted to see koalas and we both!
We were not disappointed because for the first time we saw a koala "move". You know we usually complain that the koalas are just sleeping, and although this time we could see a dining and climb trees before settling to sleep ... Consider:

In addition koalas we saw a kangaroo family nearby while above our heads flew over the Carnaby's black cockatoos, a type of black cockatoo with White-tailed unfortunately endangered in Australia. Also for our delight we saw the ring neck parrots, we do not yet know. Certainly we will never tire of these magnificent birds of all colors.

We then hit the road for Green Head, and after a lunch stop in a very gourmet restaurant road (burger and sandwich limit edible ...) we finally arrived around 16:30 ... the uh
The house was at the top: Spacious, bright, with balcony, small courtyard and barbecue, pool and 300m from the Indian Ocean.
The timing was finally perfect to have time to cook up a cocktail on the beach at sunset.

first sunset in Australia that it looks like this:

the evening we found our good habits with a barbecue with friends and a few pool parties and Jenga bonus!

More in next post due to the number of photos to show you gorgeous ;-) The program of breathtaking beaches, animals and over again but this time not just any and Pinnacles!

And thanks to Mel for his beautiful pictures of sunsets, animals ...