Friday, March 19, 2010

Gold Biscuit Rate In Dubai Airport

Call for Participation

You are a researcher / researcher at CNRS and use the portal made available by the INIST-CNRS (BiblioSHS, BiblioVie, Biblioplanets, TitaneSciences, BiblioST2I, BiblioSciences, BiblioCNRS) in the part of your activities related to research scientific information.

Following the redesign of these portals, the thinking goes from INIST in order to continue on the path optimization in terms of content, services and use.
To answer closest to your aspirations and needs, INIST-CNRS Needs You! You
are warmly invited (e) to participate in the discussion. Interested

(e), please let us know by sending a message to:
Assistance Portal (at) reminding us your details.

Thanking you for your interest in our portals and for your valuable contribution.


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