Sunday, November 28, 2010

What Is A Tape Up Fade

the weekend of 27/28 November we went to Charlotte, Denis, and Cyril Vincent to Port Stephens.
We know a little Port Stephens since that is where the beginning of October we saved the baby wallaby.
But 28 is my birthday, Cyril took the opportunity to ask for the keys to the apartment of his boss at Shoal Bay.
So here we all went again to that destination. We never tire of it and even less when the weather is beautiful.

the agenda of Saturday 27: Brunch


Koalas: Port Stephens is the perfect place to see koalas in the wild, unfortunately the last time we had not seen with Cyril. This time we were more fortunate and have also seen a baby koala and her mother. [Photo by Denis]

BBQ and birthday cake:

Sunday morning we got up early to cross the spit of Fingal Bay and access to the lighthouse. Unfortunately the only way of achieving this is to happen when the tide and low and when we arrived she went up there already would have been unwise to cross. We still could see this .... [2photos the following were taken by Charlotte]

Back at the apartment Denis prepared us a great little dej 'with pancake house, so this is heavy stomach that we started the climb to Tomaree Lookout. Sublime perspective of the bay and bluetongue bonus, it was worth it:

By late afternoon just before leaving the area, we left towards Raymond Terrace to visit Val. Remember Val is the very nice lady who took care of the little baby wallaby Cyril. Cyril is going well and was transferred to a house with more space, but we still managed to see Banjo and Jonas that we already know and have met a wallaroo Jelly approximately 3lbs.


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