Friday, December 31, 2010

Easton Sv12 Fastpitch Softball Bat Review


We wish you all a Happy New Year 2011!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Scorpio Guy Does Not Like You

Magnetic Island

27 to Monday morning to our surprise it was not raining!
We did not expect it to visit Magnetic Island that we had not done during our previous visits.

So go for the 9.30 am ferry that was taking us on Magnetic Island in just 30min. The ferry is well known with Cyril since we take a day 2fois Manly to Circular Quay and I must say that this crossing to the island made me realize that I prefer without doubt our good old, slow ferry to Manly where we can Sit outside and enjoy the view.

Arrival on the island we had to keep pace with the bus! No vehicle we were obliged to undergo the inconvenience of the bus on the spot: wait, 1-2 buses per hour, chaotic behavior and the door open because of the sweltering heat.

So we went for a walk to the nearest beach: Nelly Bay

And we quickly resumed our old habits: the search of coconuts! Not sure it was the season but we enjoyed reviewing these expensive coconut fed us well during our trip last year.

Then head for Horseshoe Bay.
This is certainly not the most beautiful beach but it has the merit of having a net anti-jellyfish (stinger net).

When we arrived, unfortunately, despite the net bathing was prohibited because of jellyfish and only open to Alma Bay.

So we left for the march of the fort, after much waiting for a bus to return and attempt to access a walk to Balding Bay, Radical Bay when the tide was high.

The Forts Walk is a walk of 4 km which gives a superb view over the bay. Rather easy for a march that is supposed to climb and with many Lookout; we liked:

Then it was time to go test Alma Beach Bay! It would have been a shame to be on Magnetic Island and do not bathe. Meanwhile Gemma joined us and we found together that the water was rather warm 28 degrees, compared with Sydney, but unfortunately quite cloudy due to the strong over the previous days. According to Gemma water is supposed eĂȘtre transparent, shame! Towards

16h we had planned to go for a walk in Florence Bay. Unfortunately we could never get there. At 16:30 on
time shot and 15min later it was raining a crazy thing and did storm.
So we turned around and returned somehow a bus stop, then waited 30minutes during the famous bus.
Eventually we were totally soaked, and frozen by the wind. Unfortunately no photos to laugh at us because I admit I was scared for the camera (all beautiful brand new EOS550D).
Finally arrived at the wharf for the ferry because it was a holiday in Australia (Christmas and Boxing Day), we still have to wait 45 minutes before the next ferry. So we ended up at a cafe for hot coffee!
Finally a small photo of the beautiful Celebration Cake Sue - homemade of course! To celebrate the tray Gemma, Monica's departure for Peru, entry into college and move Mickael official very soon Sue in Samoa where David has been working for 6 months.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Top Pediatricians Markham

It's called Tropical Queensland! Merry Christmas

During our 5 days in Townsville we have experienced of Tropical Queensland!
Certainly this is not the first time we go to Townsville is even the 3rd, but before that we had come during the dry season. From November to April is the rainy season, temperatures are warm and humid air is stifling and completely. Rainfall increase and are often accompanied by thunderstorms, or even cyclones. [In fact, we escaped to the one who hit Cairns when we were there]

4days of 5 to Townsville so it has rained almost continuously. Initially we were disappointed but soon it became normal and we started to take a few habits like:

- dress light and always walk barefoot or in sandals
- be careful Leaving the house does not slip and walk into 10cm of water
explanation for the small home of Sue and David is made like a little pile, underneath the house is open and serves as a garage / laundry / storage and top the house is the living area. Thus everything is provided for nothing have ruined in the floods, apart from the garden after a time died because of so much water!

- go every night in search of frogs that s 'gave in to their heart with all the flooding

- protect yourself mosquitoes that thrive in high gear

- watch out for a lull to walk several hours before the rain resumes
Castle Hill and its waterfalls:

Next Post: Magnetic Island!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Chill In The Lower Back

Merry Christmas !
We hope that you have all past of good celebrations of Christmas in family.

For us this year was about Townsville and family somehow.
Short of returning to France we took 2 days vacation and book airline tickets to spend 5 days at Sue and David - a couple of Townsville in Australia on which we spent a few days during our trip and with whom we roach very regular contact.

23 to Thursday morning we took the plane and arrived around 11:30 after a flight full of turbulence in the famous Tropical Queensland! At this time of year is the rainy season, we do not really know what kind of climate and many days after you learn fast: in summary it is hot and stuffy even it rains all the time. Arriving
we also found their daughter Gemma aged 18 we already know and have met other children: Monica and Michael 25years 22years.
program during the few days was just watching the clearing for a walk!
Thursday late afternoon so we took advantage of a lull for a walk on the Strand and take an ice. Unfortunately the view was very foggy and it gave heat and AC:

Friday 24 was actually the day before Christmas but in Australia it is less important than the Christmas Day and to our surprise we learned after 25 years of cohabitation Sue and David were expected at the courthouse for their wedding!

Although for them it was just a formality we were thrilled to be there to celebrate with them and in the absence of Michael that day I even signed as witness.

For Christmas Eve, my mission was to cook simple things for a meal together for them even though Christmas Eve is not important.
the menu:
- mango cocktail (prepared by Sue) and glasses of lawyer / ricotta / tomato / salmon
- foie gras from France sent (by the parents of Cyril) and toasted bread
- arugula salad with slices apples to orange and little balls of cheese: Feta and ricotta
- barbecued lamb by David
- pie banana / chocolate and vanilla ice

Saturday 25 Christmas Day was different from what we used to.
The important thing was to get together and have a good time, so we started with a huge breakfast dej 'to 10h: fruit salad, pancakes, toast, juice squeezed ... by planning to make Christmas dinner to 14h ;-) The gifts were not a requirement and it was a lot of things handmade, green or chocolate, we loved the idea.
The meal was also very relaxed and we appreciated the fact that everyone get their hands on the dough: Cyril was the cocktails, I made the quiche as an appetizer, Monica cooked duck and vegetables, the sauce was Michael, Sue and the pavolva Gemma and David played the guitar and piano for motivation and good mood.

A second post on Townsville, the wet season and Magnetic Island soon ;-)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Places Where People Grope

Before Christmas

summer continues in Sydney and it continues:

- Sunday 12: Small
barbecue with friends in Charlotte and Denis guacamole with a great way Yohann, small quiches house, chicken skewers with mint sauce and the Australian wine - things change (Chacha thank you).
all under a beautiful sun and followed by a few hours at the beach, top, eh?

- Saturday 18, a pre-Christmas dinner with Charlotte and Denis, and full of good things to eat as we like: oysters, shrimp, salmon, potted, roasted chicken and sweet potato pie, chocolate raspberry sorbet. Unfortunately
Denis was very ill and has benefited moderately - the week after his condition got worse and no doctor wanted to take things seriously. If you want to know more about some doctors in Australia is HERE.

- Sunday 19 we were in the long-awaited concert Bon Jovi!
One of the best concerts we've ever made let's face! 2:35 on stage we loved. The atmosphere was electric despite the downpour that began to fall after one hour concert. But never mind that Bon Jovi came singing in the rain and even brought the whole group in the rain, there's no reason that only the public is apparently wet!
At the end we were soaked to the soup - although I dared not leave the camera to prove it.

Before the rain :

- Wednesday, 22 we had a friend JP Tof and Mel which was for an evening in Sydney during his stay in Australia. "Received" is a big word knowing that we only had the evening to give him a whirlwind tour of Sydney and that we also prepare our bags for our departure to Townsville the next day. We
course is Circular Quay with the Opera House and Harbour Bridge, Darling Harbour at night and returning on the ferry to Manly. JP
will pass a few days in Sydney in January we will catch up to this point ;-)

Also a Happy Birthday Amauryne - 10 years already !