Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Scorpio Guy Does Not Like You

Magnetic Island

27 to Monday morning to our surprise it was not raining!
We did not expect it to visit Magnetic Island that we had not done during our previous visits.

So go for the 9.30 am ferry that was taking us on Magnetic Island in just 30min. The ferry is well known with Cyril since we take a day 2fois Manly to Circular Quay and I must say that this crossing to the island made me realize that I prefer without doubt our good old, slow ferry to Manly where we can Sit outside and enjoy the view.

Arrival on the island we had to keep pace with the bus! No vehicle we were obliged to undergo the inconvenience of the bus on the spot: wait, 1-2 buses per hour, chaotic behavior and the door open because of the sweltering heat.

So we went for a walk to the nearest beach: Nelly Bay

And we quickly resumed our old habits: the search of coconuts! Not sure it was the season but we enjoyed reviewing these expensive coconut fed us well during our trip last year.

Then head for Horseshoe Bay.
This is certainly not the most beautiful beach but it has the merit of having a net anti-jellyfish (stinger net).

When we arrived, unfortunately, despite the net bathing was prohibited because of jellyfish and only open to Alma Bay.

So we left for the march of the fort, after much waiting for a bus to return and attempt to access a walk to Balding Bay, Radical Bay when the tide was high.

The Forts Walk is a walk of 4 km which gives a superb view over the bay. Rather easy for a march that is supposed to climb and with many Lookout; we liked:

Then it was time to go test Alma Beach Bay! It would have been a shame to be on Magnetic Island and do not bathe. Meanwhile Gemma joined us and we found together that the water was rather warm 28 degrees, compared with Sydney, but unfortunately quite cloudy due to the strong over the previous days. According to Gemma water is supposed eĂȘtre transparent, shame! Towards

16h we had planned to go for a walk in Florence Bay. Unfortunately we could never get there. At 16:30 on
time shot and 15min later it was raining a crazy thing and did storm.
So we turned around and returned somehow a bus stop, then waited 30minutes during the famous bus.
Eventually we were totally soaked, and frozen by the wind. Unfortunately no photos to laugh at us because I admit I was scared for the camera (all beautiful brand new EOS550D).
Finally arrived at the wharf for the ferry because it was a holiday in Australia (Christmas and Boxing Day), we still have to wait 45 minutes before the next ferry. So we ended up at a cafe for hot coffee!
Finally a small photo of the beautiful Celebration Cake Sue - homemade of course! To celebrate the tray Gemma, Monica's departure for Peru, entry into college and move Mickael official very soon Sue in Samoa where David has been working for 6 months.


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