Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hypertension Medicine Coversyl

7 bridges walk

Sunday, October 31, we went with Cyril direction The Rocks to participate in the Seven Bridges Walk, a walk of 28kms for cancer, taking 7 different bridges in Sydney.

So we arrived around 30.08 in the village of Rocks, the starting point that we chose to begin the journey. Once registered and equipped with our band "Seven Bridges Walk - Cancer Council," we've withdrawn our participation booklet.

Little information on the progress of the works: this booklet was to be stamped at each bridge crossing and the village of rest along the walk. The goal for us was therefore to make the 28kms before 17 pm at night to have fully completed our book!

If you want to follow our route on the map is HERE.

We left the village of Rocks at 8:40 and we headed to our first bridge: Pyrmont Bridge over Darling Harbour. This restored version of the bridge in 1988 and allows the monorail to move over.

After crossing the Pyrmont Bridge and only 45 minutes walk, we befriended a French Olivier happened since then 1 month in Sydney. For the story Olivier doing this long walk alone, has recognized our backpack Quechua that we were French and we kindly addressed to hang out. With only two to make this march, we were delighted to meet with Cyril Olivier and share this day with him. Basically we wanted to do this march with Vincent, Charlotte, Denis ... but this day he was supposed to rain and it cooled down quite a bit of spirit. Fortunately for us, time was heavy and cloudy in the morning and bright sunshine in the afternoon.

Our second bridge crossing was of course the Anzac Bridge .
Very characteristic with its two towers, 128 cables and 120m high, the Anzac Bridge is the longest cable-stayed bridge in Australia.

view of the city from the Anzac Bridge

Bridges was following the Iron Cove Bridge and the Gladesville Bridge: [the following images are from http:/ /]

Then Tarban Creek Bridge and Fig Tree Bridge: [the following images are from http : / /]

It was not always easy to take pictures of all the bridges, however, below some pictures taken from bridges:

-------- ------ View from the Iron Cove Bridge ------------------------------------- -------- Cyril Olivier and the Gladesville Bridge

----------------- View from the Gladesville Bridge ------------------------------- Photo taken shortly after Fig Tree Bay Bridge to Burns

After several hours of walking, a detour in Tabourin Bay, a break of 1 hour in the village of Lane Cove and again 1 hour walk => Small break at the village of Wollstonecraft.

Last lap: Milson's Point and its view unstoppable on the Harbour Bridge, and finally crossed the last bridge: the famous Harbour Bridge !

ARRIVAL at the Rocks Village about 15:45 and our last stamp booklet on our well deserved after these few 28kms.

result, there we had to walk 6 hours to complete the course - 4.6km / h - 1 hour break to take the shot - of sunscreen and a cold beer at the finish for comfort ;-)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pokemon Soul Silver First Gym Freeze


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

For third consecutive year, the INIST-CNRS organizes a day of discussions and meetings around information portals CNRS.
It will take place on Tuesday 23 November 2010 in the presence of Francis Andrew Deputy Director of DIST (Department Scientific and Technical Information) of the CNRS.
You are the information professional within a CNRS laboratory, you are warmly invited (e) to participate in this day and come meet us and talk.
You will find the program that day and the information necessary for your registration by clicking on the link.

For information on this day, feel free to contact us:
Assistance Portal (at)

In anticipation of meeting you,
Team Portals

Monday, October 25, 2010

How To Make A Door For A Hut

Albury when you hold us

news, sorry I do not update much right now, but I admit being overwhelmed at work. Finally the weekend I'll take the time to tell our last few weeks.

The weekend of 23/24 October.

I left early Saturday morning for the Sydney airport as I had planned to visit my friend Brooke. Brooke is the Australian who had sympathized with 1yr ago when I started the circus Aerialize. She now lives in South Africa but was in Australia for 7semaines for work.

Directorate therefore situated between Canberra Albury and Melbourne, 1h10 flight only!
When I arrived, unfortunately it was raining while Cyril was delighted by a beautiful sun in Sydney. Fortunately for me the weather has turned and then he started to rain in Sydney until the end of the weekend, I have enjoyed a glorious time.

Albury is a small city of just over 42,000 inhabitants, but rather quiet in which to live. While living in Albury is very different from Sydney, given that the 15 minutes find yourself downtown and in 1 hour you go around, yet a certain point of view this should not be disagreeable to find a town not over-populated. Then that we must even love the quiet and lack of activities admittedly there is not much to do.
Phew I was there for aps cultural activities in the city but to see Brooke and with this nice weather we went for a walk of about 8kms along the Murray River to the lagoon. Rather see gorgeous landscapes:

We enjoyed the sun to the end with a picnic in the Botanic Gardens, which is really a haven of peace. I really like the Botanic Gardens in general, but in cities they are invaded by the world, here at least not worry, even by sunny Sunday!

The little anecdote about my return flight is still worth mentioning:
- my flight was Sunday at 18:15
- I arrived 1 hour in advance for security
- so I had to wait in this tiny airport with only attraction for a coffee.
- around 18h we embarked
- Around 18.30 we were still on the plane and we still did not take off, we had an ad telling us they were doing routine checks and had a safety measure RE-
control - they have to 18.40 taken off the plane because the tests were inconclusive. So we were always safe return airport
- to 19.15 they have announced that a technician arrived on flight from Melbourne to 20.10 To control our aircraft
- to 21.00 we just had an announcement to tell us that for time they worked on the technical problem but knew nothing
- meanwhile, I waited and then had the right a coupon of $ 6 to eat at CafĂ© - about 4 € ;-) had no battery on my laptop, so I spent my money in the public phoned to call Cyril, my boss at work and Brooke
- to 22.00 was the "fabulous" news that I could spend the night in Albury at the motel and take another plane the next day at 17.15 because the others were all full
- 22.05 negotiating to go to sleep at Brooke and not at the motel and have all of even the taxi round trip paid, was to change my ticket, tell my boss that I will not be at work on Monday
- to 22:10 they announced that the plane was repaired but it was too late to enter Sydney because of the curfew from 23h. But the aircraft would in Melbourne, we would spend the night at the motel and the next day at 6am we have a plane to Sydney.

=> Er No Thanks. I told Cyril who was reassured that I do not go back on that plane "repaired" and go to sleep at night for Brooke.

=> Conclusion I was slammed by these 5 hours of waiting, but I gave me the opportunity to spend more time with Brooke.
My plane from 17.15 the next day had no problem - PHEW - even if for the next comic I was sitting in the same seat the next day the same woman who had also remained on Albury night. The plane arrived early but they had to wait 25minutes on the tarmac to get out because no bay was free.

Albury is not far from Sydney but it may take some time to come ;-) 23h!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Meaning Of Rubber Band Around Wrist


Sunday, October 10, being the anniversary of Denis, we went hiking in the National Bouddi Park, located north of Sydney with Charlotte Denis and Vincent.
Denis had ordered for her birthday echidna and whale.
The walk we chose is a loop 8kms from passing through Bouddi Lockout, the footprint Bouddi Costal Walk (hike longer than we probably will again) into Little Beach and returned to the starting point.
So we made our lunch break at Bouddi Lockout offers us a beautiful ocean view and can see the floor towers Sydney. Later in the trip, we made a stop at another lockout, and Denis whales sighted off several times but each time when nobody else was looking ...

We also met a very shy echidna not, or deaf and blind, because he did not put in a ball when we came near him. Denis has seen the two animals he had asked, I think the fairy was still around.

arrived at Little Beach we found that it was possible to camp, but at $ 14 per night per person, with barbecue and toilet only, it seemed a bit excessive. the evening we all gathered in Manly about a Thai meal and a good chocolate cake to celebrate the event. PS: A little game I discover the fauna and flora of Australia, with overnight accommodation in Manly to win for him who gives us the names of these two flowers :-)

Four Year Old Birthday Rhyme

Taronga Zoo

Sunday, October 17, we went to Taronga Zoo, Zoo, Sydney Mosman located. It was the birthday of Julie last year, but every time because of time or because we had other things planned, we never had the opportunity to go there .

Zoo is Located in Mosman and offers a beautiful view over the Opera House and Harbour Bridge, it also has a large section on Australian wildlife, and involved in many backup program, because as many know of many species in Australia are being of disappearance, and this was mainly because of the impact that humans have on nature.

At the entrance we saw koalas, and I think it's the fact that we arrived early, or they take drugs, but we saw them move, eat, and even jump from tree to tree!

Then we were in a part of the park or we can see animals walking in complete freedom around us, quite surprising for a zoo.
In order: Emu, Cassowary, Red-necked wallaby, quokka:

Then we went to see the Tasmanian devil: a guide told us that within 25 years there would be no Tasmanian devil-free because some disease they have contracted. For this reason, a backup program was created in Australia to reintroduce healthy animals, once all the sick animals will be extinct. Luckily this program is because after the disappearance of the Tasmanian tiger, if the devil were to disappear there would be no natural predators in Tasmania ...

We then went to see the marine animals: seal, sea lion, leopard seal and penguin, and we were able to attend a "show".

Then we saw the elephants, the Taronga Zoo is proud of its elephants because they had two births, one year where the latter was not small at all to survive, this is passed on the news during a week, but ultimately he's fine:

The image remains:
giraffe, chimpanzee, brown bear, meerkat (mongoose), red panda, Aldabra tortoise (tortoise of the Seychelles), golden pheasant (golden pheasant), black cockatoo, mandarin duck (mandarin duck).