Monday, October 25, 2010

How To Make A Door For A Hut

Albury when you hold us

news, sorry I do not update much right now, but I admit being overwhelmed at work. Finally the weekend I'll take the time to tell our last few weeks.

The weekend of 23/24 October.

I left early Saturday morning for the Sydney airport as I had planned to visit my friend Brooke. Brooke is the Australian who had sympathized with 1yr ago when I started the circus Aerialize. She now lives in South Africa but was in Australia for 7semaines for work.

Directorate therefore situated between Canberra Albury and Melbourne, 1h10 flight only!
When I arrived, unfortunately it was raining while Cyril was delighted by a beautiful sun in Sydney. Fortunately for me the weather has turned and then he started to rain in Sydney until the end of the weekend, I have enjoyed a glorious time.

Albury is a small city of just over 42,000 inhabitants, but rather quiet in which to live. While living in Albury is very different from Sydney, given that the 15 minutes find yourself downtown and in 1 hour you go around, yet a certain point of view this should not be disagreeable to find a town not over-populated. Then that we must even love the quiet and lack of activities admittedly there is not much to do.
Phew I was there for aps cultural activities in the city but to see Brooke and with this nice weather we went for a walk of about 8kms along the Murray River to the lagoon. Rather see gorgeous landscapes:

We enjoyed the sun to the end with a picnic in the Botanic Gardens, which is really a haven of peace. I really like the Botanic Gardens in general, but in cities they are invaded by the world, here at least not worry, even by sunny Sunday!

The little anecdote about my return flight is still worth mentioning:
- my flight was Sunday at 18:15
- I arrived 1 hour in advance for security
- so I had to wait in this tiny airport with only attraction for a coffee.
- around 18h we embarked
- Around 18.30 we were still on the plane and we still did not take off, we had an ad telling us they were doing routine checks and had a safety measure RE-
control - they have to 18.40 taken off the plane because the tests were inconclusive. So we were always safe return airport
- to 19.15 they have announced that a technician arrived on flight from Melbourne to 20.10 To control our aircraft
- to 21.00 we just had an announcement to tell us that for time they worked on the technical problem but knew nothing
- meanwhile, I waited and then had the right a coupon of $ 6 to eat at CafĂ© - about 4 € ;-) had no battery on my laptop, so I spent my money in the public phoned to call Cyril, my boss at work and Brooke
- to 22.00 was the "fabulous" news that I could spend the night in Albury at the motel and take another plane the next day at 17.15 because the others were all full
- 22.05 negotiating to go to sleep at Brooke and not at the motel and have all of even the taxi round trip paid, was to change my ticket, tell my boss that I will not be at work on Monday
- to 22:10 they announced that the plane was repaired but it was too late to enter Sydney because of the curfew from 23h. But the aircraft would in Melbourne, we would spend the night at the motel and the next day at 6am we have a plane to Sydney.

=> Er No Thanks. I told Cyril who was reassured that I do not go back on that plane "repaired" and go to sleep at night for Brooke.

=> Conclusion I was slammed by these 5 hours of waiting, but I gave me the opportunity to spend more time with Brooke.
My plane from 17.15 the next day had no problem - PHEW - even if for the next comic I was sitting in the same seat the next day the same woman who had also remained on Albury night. The plane arrived early but they had to wait 25minutes on the tarmac to get out because no bay was free.

Albury is not far from Sydney but it may take some time to come ;-) 23h!


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