Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hypertension Medicine Coversyl

7 bridges walk

Sunday, October 31, we went with Cyril direction The Rocks to participate in the Seven Bridges Walk, a walk of 28kms for cancer, taking 7 different bridges in Sydney.

So we arrived around 30.08 in the village of Rocks, the starting point that we chose to begin the journey. Once registered and equipped with our band "Seven Bridges Walk - Cancer Council," we've withdrawn our participation booklet.

Little information on the progress of the works: this booklet was to be stamped at each bridge crossing and the village of rest along the walk. The goal for us was therefore to make the 28kms before 17 pm at night to have fully completed our book!

If you want to follow our route on the map is HERE.

We left the village of Rocks at 8:40 and we headed to our first bridge: Pyrmont Bridge over Darling Harbour. This restored version of the bridge in 1988 and allows the monorail to move over.

After crossing the Pyrmont Bridge and only 45 minutes walk, we befriended a French Olivier happened since then 1 month in Sydney. For the story Olivier doing this long walk alone, has recognized our backpack Quechua that we were French and we kindly addressed to hang out. With only two to make this march, we were delighted to meet with Cyril Olivier and share this day with him. Basically we wanted to do this march with Vincent, Charlotte, Denis ... but this day he was supposed to rain and it cooled down quite a bit of spirit. Fortunately for us, time was heavy and cloudy in the morning and bright sunshine in the afternoon.

Our second bridge crossing was of course the Anzac Bridge .
Very characteristic with its two towers, 128 cables and 120m high, the Anzac Bridge is the longest cable-stayed bridge in Australia.

view of the city from the Anzac Bridge

Bridges was following the Iron Cove Bridge and the Gladesville Bridge: [the following images are from http:/ /]

Then Tarban Creek Bridge and Fig Tree Bridge: [the following images are from http : / /]

It was not always easy to take pictures of all the bridges, however, below some pictures taken from bridges:

-------- ------ View from the Iron Cove Bridge ------------------------------------- -------- Cyril Olivier and the Gladesville Bridge

----------------- View from the Gladesville Bridge ------------------------------- Photo taken shortly after Fig Tree Bay Bridge to Burns

After several hours of walking, a detour in Tabourin Bay, a break of 1 hour in the village of Lane Cove and again 1 hour walk => Small break at the village of Wollstonecraft.

Last lap: Milson's Point and its view unstoppable on the Harbour Bridge, and finally crossed the last bridge: the famous Harbour Bridge !

ARRIVAL at the Rocks Village about 15:45 and our last stamp booklet on our well deserved after these few 28kms.

result, there we had to walk 6 hours to complete the course - 4.6km / h - 1 hour break to take the shot - of sunscreen and a cold beer at the finish for comfort ;-)


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